maandag 8 oktober 2012

yea first new model done

New chaos is out and of course I had to throw some money at it.

Got the book and 2 fiends

One of which I put to gather.

So I wanted to share that whit you all.

It's not done compleetly yet. Since it needs a nice bas
I was thinking I could try and get the ruined rihno from the battle scape set and put it under one of his Feet.

I also like the conversion I did it's now standing on its hind legs like a true gun t-rex.  Its's about 2,5 times to hight of a dread so that will look imposing I asome.

Also as a extra here is some fotoshop I did on my traitor guard heli.

Not the best fotoshop ever I must say (ok its horible) But you  have to learn  first by doing right.


And may the dice gods bless you

Cheating like a noob

It's been some time  since I have blogged but today I watched a game between two club buddies  that warrants some discussion

Everyone who has ever played a wargame for some time will have  met  them, those suprising form of player. THE UNINTETIONAL CHEATER.

What are those  you migt ask well i'll tell you

While i was watching his game i noticed that there was some cheating  going on. And that both players did not seem to notice so i started to count. In the spann of 20 minutes  I saw 12  accounts of outright cheating, but also not  by intend.

So how do you cheat  unintented  well i found 3 ways one can do it.


Unragulated spaceal displacement

We have all seen it sloppy movment. Some ppl are just so sloppy that they just move their  models  in  ways rules frow upon or  just a few inches to far. We are talking about wheels that cost no movment, Models moveing further then thier movement. Ppl moveing their models  serveral times.  Or the worst of all the movement reflux. You know what i mean, picking up that unit in moveing it to location A putting it down changing thier mind. Picking it up moveing it to location B, changing thier mind again. Picking it up again moveing it location C. Then to location D  whitch is about 3 times as far from the starting location then the rules allow. Sloppy Sloppy.

Temeral Forgetfullness. 

You know sometimes in the fog of war you forget things. Like the fact that your  tank is stunned.  Or that it did not move flatout in the last fase. Or that your genral already had 2 wounds. You know what i mean.
Sloppy Sloppy 

Heritacal Empowerment.

You know whit a lot of  rules comes a lot to remember. But sometimes ppl forget  what  te rules actaly are.  Like   the fact that a deamon weapon turns against his owner if  you roll a one. Or  the fact  linked weapons in warmachine need to target the same model even if they grant that extra shot. Or you know  thinking that  a weapon has one more shot or strenght  then it actualy has.    

All these thing are usely just caused  by beeing sloppy or forgetfull but  they can have a large impact on the outcome of the game. But the worst part is that it's hard to point  this out to people while they are playing against you. Because for all they  know they are not cheating.  So most are offended if  you point there actions out to them.  Of course this is understandeble, but that does not make it easyer to handle.

The one of the worst things that can happen tough is the cirtical, sloppy , win at all cost player.
If you ever played agianst one of those I pitty you. 
Hell knows i have, here is the thing
some ppl are realy critical dureing your turn, argueing about every inch, second guesing your every action. Then when its thier turn they move there units whit half harted measurment. speedroll all thier actions whitout giveing you  the time to look at the results. Forgetting things and getting opset when you point them out.  This is the worst kind of player there is . I have played against such  a peron twice  
the first time I just  wresteld trough it cause it was a tournament.  The second time was a pickup game  at the local store. I was like  if  you want to win this badly here you go have fun you won and i picked up my army and left. I  my opinion those ppl are even worse then actual cheaters. At leasst those do it by design, sloppy cheaters do it by nature witch is far worse.

Greetz and may the dice gods bless you