maandag 8 oktober 2012

yea first new model done

New chaos is out and of course I had to throw some money at it.

Got the book and 2 fiends

One of which I put to gather.

So I wanted to share that whit you all.

It's not done compleetly yet. Since it needs a nice bas
I was thinking I could try and get the ruined rihno from the battle scape set and put it under one of his Feet.

I also like the conversion I did it's now standing on its hind legs like a true gun t-rex.  Its's about 2,5 times to hight of a dread so that will look imposing I asome.

Also as a extra here is some fotoshop I did on my traitor guard heli.

Not the best fotoshop ever I must say (ok its horible) But you  have to learn  first by doing right.


And may the dice gods bless you

Cheating like a noob

It's been some time  since I have blogged but today I watched a game between two club buddies  that warrants some discussion

Everyone who has ever played a wargame for some time will have  met  them, those suprising form of player. THE UNINTETIONAL CHEATER.

What are those  you migt ask well i'll tell you

While i was watching his game i noticed that there was some cheating  going on. And that both players did not seem to notice so i started to count. In the spann of 20 minutes  I saw 12  accounts of outright cheating, but also not  by intend.

So how do you cheat  unintented  well i found 3 ways one can do it.


Unragulated spaceal displacement

We have all seen it sloppy movment. Some ppl are just so sloppy that they just move their  models  in  ways rules frow upon or  just a few inches to far. We are talking about wheels that cost no movment, Models moveing further then thier movement. Ppl moveing their models  serveral times.  Or the worst of all the movement reflux. You know what i mean, picking up that unit in moveing it to location A putting it down changing thier mind. Picking it up moveing it to location B, changing thier mind again. Picking it up again moveing it location C. Then to location D  whitch is about 3 times as far from the starting location then the rules allow. Sloppy Sloppy.

Temeral Forgetfullness. 

You know sometimes in the fog of war you forget things. Like the fact that your  tank is stunned.  Or that it did not move flatout in the last fase. Or that your genral already had 2 wounds. You know what i mean.
Sloppy Sloppy 

Heritacal Empowerment.

You know whit a lot of  rules comes a lot to remember. But sometimes ppl forget  what  te rules actaly are.  Like   the fact that a deamon weapon turns against his owner if  you roll a one. Or  the fact  linked weapons in warmachine need to target the same model even if they grant that extra shot. Or you know  thinking that  a weapon has one more shot or strenght  then it actualy has.    

All these thing are usely just caused  by beeing sloppy or forgetfull but  they can have a large impact on the outcome of the game. But the worst part is that it's hard to point  this out to people while they are playing against you. Because for all they  know they are not cheating.  So most are offended if  you point there actions out to them.  Of course this is understandeble, but that does not make it easyer to handle.

The one of the worst things that can happen tough is the cirtical, sloppy , win at all cost player.
If you ever played agianst one of those I pitty you. 
Hell knows i have, here is the thing
some ppl are realy critical dureing your turn, argueing about every inch, second guesing your every action. Then when its thier turn they move there units whit half harted measurment. speedroll all thier actions whitout giveing you  the time to look at the results. Forgetting things and getting opset when you point them out.  This is the worst kind of player there is . I have played against such  a peron twice  
the first time I just  wresteld trough it cause it was a tournament.  The second time was a pickup game  at the local store. I was like  if  you want to win this badly here you go have fun you won and i picked up my army and left. I  my opinion those ppl are even worse then actual cheaters. At leasst those do it by design, sloppy cheaters do it by nature witch is far worse.

Greetz and may the dice gods bless you

zaterdag 8 september 2012

Campaing Turn 3 vs Daan of war


To start of whit the most recent game I played in the campaign it was battle 3 vs Daan of war

You can see his report Here

It was the big guns never tire scenario whit the following exceptions
1) all objectives where sabotaged
2) We would suffer from a pre battle bombardment
3) From turn 5 onward shit would hit the fan an we would suffer a random warzone trait (high gravity in our case)

The armies

9 Khorn beserkers whit a champion whit power axe
10 Chaos marines whit heavy bolter  plasma gun and  power sword champ.
2 oblitorators
defiler whit 2 extra close combat weapons
defiler  whit 2 extra close combat weapons
Sorceress of slanesh (yes she is a she)

Daan of war ( I love that nick name btw)
Demon prince of Teeeeeeeeeenz (yea I can't spell that right also to lazy to look up)
10 Chaos marines whit icon  melta flamer and power fist champ in a rhino
10 Chaos marines whit icon   2x melta and power fist champ in a rhino
2 oblitorators.
one unit of 3 termies whit combi melta guns.
5 lesser deamons

Now I did not have much time to think about the scenario before hand .
Like I did whit scenario 1 (witch earned me the nickname plasma Koen btw but more on that later)
Also I did  not want to bring something really nasty and  min- maxed cause I know Daan hates that kind of thing.( I did have those sins in the past)

So when we where deploying I was fairly happy  bout the way the list where. Seemed pretty  balanced to me Al tough the amount of 2 + models in Daans army did worry me a bit.  I was also wondering if I would be able tot tackle those rhino units in time before They would destroy my defilers. Turns out I did but  just didn't know it at the time, more on that later

So on to turn one

We both set up on opposite ends of the board. Me going first. There was not much over to use on the board edge I hat chosen. Not near the objectives any way. But it had 2 of the 3 objectives so fine by me.I set up a  defiler near each objective (since they would not be effected if it blew up)and the rest  to cover them.   Daan set up a oblitorator and a rhino unit to advance on each objective and his daemon prince towards the best defended one.

The bombardment took a hulpoint from my   defiler on the right and that was it.

Turn 1 was pretty poor since it was  night fight. Pretty much the only thing that happened was that my already damaged defiler lost one of his claws and a other hulpoint .

Now turn 2 is where it got interesting  the picture was from the end of my turn 2

 1 That big empty spot is where the deamon prince .Brought low by a single volley of my  normal marines. We both needed some time to  get over the shock of that . This was my marines only shining moment  cause they would get hit  by  plasma on turn 2 and 3 and flee of the board after falling 2 ld 10 tests.(sigh and sigh gues we both ran out of luck)
2 Now here is where shit gets going wrong.
I wanted to try and destory the rhino and then charge the defiler in there. But I only stunned it ( huge point)  In my  assault phase I charged it and destroyed it no problem . I pretty much knew  the unit would kill the defiler whit it's melta guns next turn. So I figured I might just take the  rhino  whit me and delay him a bit. Problem is  i was wrong. When I read the new FAQ today I noticed that  if you stun a transport it's  passengers can't fire in the following  shooting face. Even if they disembark. So if we had played that correctly  we would have had 10 marines in front of a angry defiler that they could  not shoot. In stead of a destroyed defiler.  Ah well live and learn.
3 Almost the same thing happened whit the other rhino. Except that  on Daans turn it was not the unit of  marines that killed the defiler but his unit of  suicide  termies. Still  his marines took out 2 berserker so them not shooting  would have still helped. (btw I also forgot that the berserker can trow a krak grenade at vehicles).

turn 3 and onward.

By this time most of our forces where either in combat or out of range of each other.
My sorceress took on the marines  using lash to ensure that the power fist sarge would die first.
My berserkers took on the  termies Killing 2 whit there pistols (lol wot) But in hindsight I think they would have still killed them in combat no mater what. It reduced my casualties tough. My oblitorators took out his marines on the right after they killed my defiler.  And we slugged it out some what. Till there was almost nothing left. Just 2 units of one oblitorator on Daans side and  2 oblitorators one khorne beserker  and my sorcerers on my side. Who had saved herself by lashing the  oblitorator behind terrain so he could not see her ;-P  

His oblitorator claimed one my beserker claimed a other. And daan destroyed 2 defilers giving him 2 points and I had first blood and a  warlord kill. So a draw it was.

What did I learn

1) Oblitorators are awsome  (ok I already knew that bust now I got a double insight because they got used on me)
2) Learn the rules.

Well may the dice gods bless you  and until later


maandag 3 september 2012

I am Back and ohh shiny

Well that was a long vacation
And a busy one at that
(ok ok I mostly played LOL)

Any way I am back  on the blog and Back in action
I joined a other  campaing
a 40k one this time
you can follow it on warseer  Here.

Oh I also got some new  toys
 As in the dark vengeance set  (hint its awsome)

Painted up the dreadnought
(or hellbrute or something)
I also converted it a little
A autocannon is just so much cooler then a multi-
Also I hated the head

Not to pleased whit the paint job jet
I think I need to repaint the head whit to make it stand out more

I like how the flesh worked out tough ( sadly not mush of it on the picture)

Well that's it for now

Cya and may the dice gods bless you

maandag 14 mei 2012

Painting like a machine

Well it was that time of year again.
The days before the dutch Battle of the Clubs

First of lets talk about the event a bit
As far as I know the event is unique for the Netherlands. Its a tournament that is team based  where every team is based on a warhammerclub.  Now teamtournaments of course aren't unique but I can't think of one that is based on gameing clubs.

Anny way what do I mean when I say its this time of year again?
Well I am always always ill prepared for this. I like going to a tournament now and again.The way you can play against a complete  stranger and still find common ground in form of the game is just awsome.

But I am never prepared for it. Thing is I don't like taking the same list to Tournaments.
So it usely take a compleetly different list each time. And the problem is that I putt off painting it for way to long.

So 2 days before the tournament I still had to paint 10 chosen, 2 chaos marines and  convert 2  obliterators.


Now  luckily I am a pretty good speed painter.  Whit that I mean that while I am far from a great painter. I can turn out models at a good speed.
It only took me about 5 hours to paint all 10 chosen, including base coating and baseing.

To bad it took me about that long to do the other 4 models but then again I had to make the obliterators from scratch.

And that meant that I was finally done whit painting at 3 at night the day before.
So when I got to the tournament the next day I was exhausted.

So I did not expect to get much out of it at all.

But i'll talk about that later for a bit
Also I wil go back and add some pictures to this topic when I get the time.

Cya and may the dice god bless you.        

zaterdag 5 mei 2012

Warhammer analysis: BIG waagh

Warhammer analysis: O&G magic big Waagh

Man am I busy today third post so far.

But welcome to the first of my totally irregular series
Warhammer analysis  where I look at just one small part of the hobby and give my analysis of it.

Today :The magic of the green skins.

Greenskins are unique  in the fact that they have not one but Two racial magic lores
The big and small waaaagh
They are also unique in the fact that they have absolutely no choice when it comes to magic.
Goblins use the little waaagh orcs the big one and that's it.
So if you are playing whit Orcs and goblins you better learn these spells well so that you can get the maximum out of it.

ok so lets take a closer look at the spell lores themselves. Now bigger is always better so lets start of whit the big waaagh

Big waaagh.

This is the magic of the orcs. I kinda think this lore is verry hit or miss whit some totally dominating spells and some very very weak ones.

So ere we go.

The lore atribute:

Basicly this  gives all you spells a extra strenght as long as you have more units (not orc units mind you) in  combat than that are fleeing.
Not to hard to pull of but on the other hand the spells themselves are don't benefit that much from the atribute. Not bad not broken either.

 Signature spell:

 Gaze of mork
A direct damage spell that works like a cannon ball whit a random range  at strenght 4
Now  as far as signature spells go this one is just a stinker. Its not very reliable and not all that damaging. But then again if you ever manage to cast this while you are really close to the enemy (but not in combat) then it could do some great damage overall tough I don't like it.

The rest:

1: Brain bursta
A short ranged sniper spell whit strenght 5 great to put some wounds on enemy charters but the damage it does is so minimal that one really has to wonder it's effectiveness. Although the psychology effect of it might draw some dispel dice. Nice to use after a Eadbutt tough.(see below)
Like missing a barn when firing from the inside.

2 Fist of Gork.

A simple augment spell. It beefs you shaman attack and strenght to chaoslord level of combat powers in a second. The only problem it can only target you shaman. But it does work whit the equipment your shaman already has. So  potentially very nasty. Only problem is that it has one and only one use so easy to counter also  even for orc wizards combat really isn't the best place to be

3 Hand of Gork. 

Now when Gork is done whit making a fist this is what we get.
A spell that picks up a unit moves it either 3d6 or 5d6 across the table and then lets it kind of reform around any model in the front rank. You have to remain in the same formation but you can turn the unit any way you like. Now this is massive allowing you to move units straight to the rear of the enemy, drop that unit whit the 3 fanatics straight on top of him like some fantasy bomming run, or just pull a unit out of danger. This spell has so many uses and it can and will win you games.

4 Eadbutt

 This lets you  hit a enemy wizard in a random range whit a s4 hit whit d3 wounds
Now this the most random spell in the lore. Against dwarfs this is totally useless. And against that don't go for magic its still very limited in its use.  Then again against VC or tombkings this is a game breaker just spam it till he's dead and laugh as his army crumbles. A nice thing about this spell is the fact that it can potential kill a wizard lord in one hit for most ppl that would really hurt the game plan so this will draw dispel dice most of the time.
Mostly good HITS sometimes miss.

ere we go

A simple spell that grands units rerol to hit whitin 2d6 if your shaman. 
But only orc units. and the range stinks.  Nice to boost  the combat powers of the unit containing your shaman but like fists of Gork to limited in its use and to easy to counter.
Sometimes Hit mostly MISS 

6  Foot of gork.

This is the spell that orcs have always had and it has alway been awsome.
In this version it uses a template of fair size and hits at a strength of 6 (or 7)
for d3 wounds. Wauw just Wauw.  This will hurt so much that it's not even funny. Hell against some armies like ogres just one casting of this spell can win you the game.  
Even better if you cast the boosted version  gives you a 50% chance to use the spell again and again. Of course there is also a 17% chance of hitting one of your own units but well we  just have to live whit that. 
 HITS like a truck.

So to sum this up.

The lore has some of the most worthless spells in the game  due to there very limited use. But it is impossible  to roll for a lvl 4 and get a set of spells without a good spell  (unless playing dwarfs)
Then again 2 spells are absolute win foot of gork and the hand of gork win games. And eadbutt  can be utterly devastating in some match ups. On the other hand when you miss out both these spells you can feel like your left hanging by you wizard. Also apart from foot of Gork don't expect your spells to do the damage for you this is still in the hands of your combat units. The spells are just there to help make that happen.




OMG the colours

Now  this is something  I know makes no senses but I wanted to do any way.

On of my wargameing buddies just did something really awsome

He won armies on parade in the Netherlands.

That of course means that he has the best looking army in the country

                                             Want to know what it looks like click  here

Now I play against his armies relativity frequently so I am used to seeing it. As a matter of fact I think I don't ever realise how lucky I am to be able to play against such good looking armies. That and I should be ashamed that mine still aren't painted

But hot dam looking at those pictures GW made I am stunned all over again.Also he paints really really fast at least for the standard he gets his models finished at.

(above one of his ogres)

This is a barge he  did for a other gaming buddy of his
Nice looking isn't it. But I have to say the real thing looks even better  seems like he still has some things to learn when it comes to taking pictures.
He runs his own website for miniature painting and you can find that  here

Oh  and coming back onto why it makes no sense.
I know nobody outside my gaming group actually reads this. So it's pointless to tell you guys againg
But you have to amid pretty awesome achievement.

Cya and may the dice god bless you


True Victory

Well a other Friday a other loss

Oh no wait

I actually won a game.
I did not just win I totaly destroyed the enemy army. (sorry to my opponent)

Sadly I think there where 2 things that heavily influenced my win and neither of these two where due to actual skill on my part.

1. My artillery absolutely rocked this game. In fact on my first turn 3 of my warmachines rolled a  hit.
    So I killed:  10 archers
                        1 trebuchee
                         5  errantry knights

During the rest of  this kept up killing even more knights and archers while not as ridicules as turn     one it kept up a nice tally.  The high point most have been destroying a unit of  9 knights in one turn whit just 1 stonetower and the 2 doom drivers
This must have been a total pain to my foe. But for the most part is was

On the other hand my opponent could have done some things to decrease casualties.
For instance on turn one I found out that he had deployed two of his knights units to close to each other. Meaning that if I shoot a doom driver in between, I could hit them both. Now this of course is a very bad thing. Knights getting 2x 1d6 no armour saves  hits is not the way to go. Sadly he did not move them. In effect doubling my damage output.

2. Bad amry selection and placement on my opponents part.
Now I know this is not a nice thing to say but some times the truth needs to be said.
Now I already did right a blog about how I think the  gun line is dead and this was a other game that proved this to me. My opponent hat chosen to go for a more shooting bretonian  army.
Now this might seem silly but its not all that bad if you think about it. Bretonian archers are very cheap only 60 points for 10 and they come whit spikes for free. Now these things are fences meaning that they count as obstacles. So cavalry need to test for terrain when they charge them and also you have -1 to hit on units behind them. So in fact they are really good against the bane of the shooting unit: fast cav.
My opponent went wrong in 2 things. One making his unit to large. He had taken a horde of archers 40 strong and placed them 10X4. This of course means that 10 of them don't get to shoot ever and 20 of them cant shoot if you move or make a stand and shoot reaction.
Now paying points for shooters that don't shoot is silly'. The second thing he did was  placing this unit on the flank and even at a angle. Now granted that was the only way to put them on a hil. But it made it very easy for me to deal whit them.  Even such a large unit of archers is not going to kill enough of a combat hoard to make them in effective in two turns of shooting. And that meant that  i ended up flanking him. Easily defeating him in one round of combat and seeing them run of the board.
Personally I think he would have been much better of taking 4 units of 10. This would have given him  3 more deployment drops ( a big plus for brets), made more models shoot. And most importantly denied  me the change to defeat them all on on go.
But on the plus side it was a cool looking unit.

Now  on to the things I took away from this battle form my own play

Wolf riders are absolute gold.

I am starting to think that these are some of the best redirectors in the game
There are so many good things about them  For starters they are dirt cheap, Secondly they are lightning fast and thirdly orcs just don't care when they die?  Now these things are great at blocking of enemy combat units. Orc hordes  can take a lot of things one on one. But whit the big hordes comes the disadvantage that they are not very mobile. And getting combo charges is a pain. Wolf riders can really help prevent that. They can throw enemy units of  course just by standing in the way. And most of the time the one turn delay that, that gives is all that is needed for the orcs to win trough.

Doom drivers are a great compliment to orc hordes

Orc hordes can really dish out a lot of attacks. My army had 3 combat hordes
1 unti of 40 savage orc big ones  (that's 50 s5 attacs)
1 unit of  40 squigs (thats 40 s5 attacs)
1 unit of 40 black orcs  (that's 40 s5 attacks or 30 s7)

Now these things will just lawn-mow trough most enemy infantry. I mean every thing shy of chaos warriors or elves is in for a world of hurt. But where thy seem to falters is against knights.
Now knights tend to have a much smaller frontage meaning less attacks and a great armour save meaning that these attacks are going to be much less effective. And once the hordes get bogged down they become very vulnerable. Not only do they hit hardest on the first round of combat but if they get flanked being in horde is actually a very bad thing. Cause it means you have less attacks and less ranks making U very easy to break.

Now doom drivers are weak against infantry causing just a few hits but those hits are really hard hits
meaning that they are great against cavalry.  And on top of that they are scary accurate.
In this way the  doom drivers and the hordes cover each others weakness. The  doom drivers can deplete the enemy heavy cavalry to a point where they are no longer a tread to my orc hordes.
And the hordes can mow down the infantry that the doom driver couldn't hope to deal whit effectively.  Now that's some thing I like

So to sum up what did I learn from this battle

1) a little luck goes a long way
2) Don't take army selection and deployment lightly
3) Never ever leave home without some redirectors
4) Make sure your units cover each others weakness.

Cya and may  the dice gods bless you


dinsdag 17 april 2012

Victory in defeat.

Well its time for turn 2 in the campaign

Here is the map during turn 2 whit every thing resolved except the battles.

Remember I am power pink.
So as you can see I lost my battle for the mine in tile 41 cause it now belongs to the bretonians.
On the other hand I did gain something from that battle.

Remember this guy?  How I talked about how I hated the fact that I was fielding him as my genral?
Well he has been captured. (of course my plan all along) and I am not going to rescue him. Cause that will let me replace him.

I am thinking that  ill replace him whit a guy on foot.
For now my lvl 4 wizard  will have to lead the army for me.

So what else happened ?
Well as you can see I managed to free my fellow orcs en goblins from the bretonian suppressors
If anyone is going to lead orcs en goblins into battle it's going to be me.
I am also glad that o&g armies can't be scattered. A few people had that happen to them ( the  brown ogres and the red vampire counts) And I can see how that hurts your ability to campaign if  you have only one army left to attack (one has to defend). Worse still if you lose 2  then you can only defend.
But not whit O&G  my army scattered as well. But I got to place it back anywhere in my own empire. And now it is back to attacking again.

It's at the vampire counts mine at the right fighting  the brets over it.How wierd is that?

All in all I am glad how things are going. I have 2  relics that puts me in a shared first place on that front. My empire is 6 tiles a fair amount if you ask me. I Also don't think its going to get any bigger soon. Seeing how there is no where to expend unopposed any more. Also it seems risky to grow very large as  people will gang up on you. As you can see whit the red vampire player. His empire was fair size as well but everybody ganged up on him and look at it now.

Well that about sums it up

and may the dice gods bless your  

zaterdag 7 april 2012

I was elected to lead not to read

Well the new empire book is out!

And first things first I really think the cover art is not my taste (as in it b***s)But it does actually make some sense.

If you look at it, it basicly  focuses on the one character in the foreground.
 Now why do I think that makes 100% sense whit the content of the book?
They made empire characters really cool.

Ok so why do I think they are really cool? 

Let me explain

There are about 5 or 6 types of characters. And almost all of them buff your units in some way.
For a army that is supposed to  work like a actual army (as in the command structure is there to lead the army instead of doing the fighting for them) that makes perfect sense.

So lets look at what we got

First of lets start whit something completely new.

This (extremely cool looking) guy is  witch hunter. Now he only comes as a hero choice.
He has about the stats of a captain (a bit worse). And he is here to battle witchcraft.  The way he does it is by having magic resistance (2). And that is very nice indeed if he joins a horde. Also he himself is immune to fear and he and the unit he is with will never have to take terror tests. NICE.
He also has some nice special rules to help him hunt down those heretics. Lets just say you don't want him in combat whit your wizard. As a mater of fact you don't want him shooting at your wizard either. (Also just to say it again what a stunning model)

 And the Old is new again.

 Look here at the  warrior priest
These used to be my favourite characters.  Simply because the where 2x times awesome rule wise and fluff wise. What more do you want?   They are about the same now. There is still a lord and a hero version. And they still make your on troops  righteous bastards (as in they  spread the hate) But there spells changed some what.
No more unbreakable.  Aaawh But  re roll to wound  for your whole     unit seems nice. I would say still awesome on both sides of the game. 

 And now the title will make sense (finaly)

And then there are your Captains and Generals of the empire.
I never really much liked the  old empire captains and General. They where okay in the stat department, but far from combat monsters. But they where a bit to expensive to spam (like say ng big bosses)No thing has changed on that front in this book in fact the stat cost ratio got worse since they went up in cost(they are not  the only thing that went up in price more on that in a later post).
But now they are leaders not fighters .

Your line will hold more easy now cause these guys make any unit  they join COLDBLOODED when it come to break tests.  I mean wow. Keep one of these guys whit your great sword and that block will have to die to the last man cause it's never going to break. NICE.

 Makes  sense that someone called a elector count is good at leading but not fighting. (oh and is probably a pretty shifty liar to knowing  elected officials)

There are still some other characters to talk about (knight marshals ,wizards en engineers)
But i'll save those for  later post

Over the next week i'll post some more of my visions on  the new empire book.

And may the dice gods bless you