dinsdag 17 april 2012

Victory in defeat.

Well its time for turn 2 in the campaign

Here is the map during turn 2 whit every thing resolved except the battles.

Remember I am power pink.
So as you can see I lost my battle for the mine in tile 41 cause it now belongs to the bretonians.
On the other hand I did gain something from that battle.

Remember this guy?  How I talked about how I hated the fact that I was fielding him as my genral?
Well he has been captured. (of course my plan all along) and I am not going to rescue him. Cause that will let me replace him.

I am thinking that  ill replace him whit a guy on foot.
For now my lvl 4 wizard  will have to lead the army for me.

So what else happened ?
Well as you can see I managed to free my fellow orcs en goblins from the bretonian suppressors
If anyone is going to lead orcs en goblins into battle it's going to be me.
I am also glad that o&g armies can't be scattered. A few people had that happen to them ( the  brown ogres and the red vampire counts) And I can see how that hurts your ability to campaign if  you have only one army left to attack (one has to defend). Worse still if you lose 2  then you can only defend.
But not whit O&G  my army scattered as well. But I got to place it back anywhere in my own empire. And now it is back to attacking again.

It's at the vampire counts mine at the right fighting  the brets over it.How wierd is that?

All in all I am glad how things are going. I have 2  relics that puts me in a shared first place on that front. My empire is 6 tiles a fair amount if you ask me. I Also don't think its going to get any bigger soon. Seeing how there is no where to expend unopposed any more. Also it seems risky to grow very large as  people will gang up on you. As you can see whit the red vampire player. His empire was fair size as well but everybody ganged up on him and look at it now.

Well that about sums it up

and may the dice gods bless your  

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