zaterdag 5 mei 2012

OMG the colours

Now  this is something  I know makes no senses but I wanted to do any way.

On of my wargameing buddies just did something really awsome

He won armies on parade in the Netherlands.

That of course means that he has the best looking army in the country

                                             Want to know what it looks like click  here

Now I play against his armies relativity frequently so I am used to seeing it. As a matter of fact I think I don't ever realise how lucky I am to be able to play against such good looking armies. That and I should be ashamed that mine still aren't painted

But hot dam looking at those pictures GW made I am stunned all over again.Also he paints really really fast at least for the standard he gets his models finished at.

(above one of his ogres)

This is a barge he  did for a other gaming buddy of his
Nice looking isn't it. But I have to say the real thing looks even better  seems like he still has some things to learn when it comes to taking pictures.
He runs his own website for miniature painting and you can find that  here

Oh  and coming back onto why it makes no sense.
I know nobody outside my gaming group actually reads this. So it's pointless to tell you guys againg
But you have to amid pretty awesome achievement.

Cya and may the dice god bless you


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