zaterdag 8 september 2012

Campaing Turn 3 vs Daan of war


To start of whit the most recent game I played in the campaign it was battle 3 vs Daan of war

You can see his report Here

It was the big guns never tire scenario whit the following exceptions
1) all objectives where sabotaged
2) We would suffer from a pre battle bombardment
3) From turn 5 onward shit would hit the fan an we would suffer a random warzone trait (high gravity in our case)

The armies

9 Khorn beserkers whit a champion whit power axe
10 Chaos marines whit heavy bolter  plasma gun and  power sword champ.
2 oblitorators
defiler whit 2 extra close combat weapons
defiler  whit 2 extra close combat weapons
Sorceress of slanesh (yes she is a she)

Daan of war ( I love that nick name btw)
Demon prince of Teeeeeeeeeenz (yea I can't spell that right also to lazy to look up)
10 Chaos marines whit icon  melta flamer and power fist champ in a rhino
10 Chaos marines whit icon   2x melta and power fist champ in a rhino
2 oblitorators.
one unit of 3 termies whit combi melta guns.
5 lesser deamons

Now I did not have much time to think about the scenario before hand .
Like I did whit scenario 1 (witch earned me the nickname plasma Koen btw but more on that later)
Also I did  not want to bring something really nasty and  min- maxed cause I know Daan hates that kind of thing.( I did have those sins in the past)

So when we where deploying I was fairly happy  bout the way the list where. Seemed pretty  balanced to me Al tough the amount of 2 + models in Daans army did worry me a bit.  I was also wondering if I would be able tot tackle those rhino units in time before They would destroy my defilers. Turns out I did but  just didn't know it at the time, more on that later

So on to turn one

We both set up on opposite ends of the board. Me going first. There was not much over to use on the board edge I hat chosen. Not near the objectives any way. But it had 2 of the 3 objectives so fine by me.I set up a  defiler near each objective (since they would not be effected if it blew up)and the rest  to cover them.   Daan set up a oblitorator and a rhino unit to advance on each objective and his daemon prince towards the best defended one.

The bombardment took a hulpoint from my   defiler on the right and that was it.

Turn 1 was pretty poor since it was  night fight. Pretty much the only thing that happened was that my already damaged defiler lost one of his claws and a other hulpoint .

Now turn 2 is where it got interesting  the picture was from the end of my turn 2

 1 That big empty spot is where the deamon prince .Brought low by a single volley of my  normal marines. We both needed some time to  get over the shock of that . This was my marines only shining moment  cause they would get hit  by  plasma on turn 2 and 3 and flee of the board after falling 2 ld 10 tests.(sigh and sigh gues we both ran out of luck)
2 Now here is where shit gets going wrong.
I wanted to try and destory the rhino and then charge the defiler in there. But I only stunned it ( huge point)  In my  assault phase I charged it and destroyed it no problem . I pretty much knew  the unit would kill the defiler whit it's melta guns next turn. So I figured I might just take the  rhino  whit me and delay him a bit. Problem is  i was wrong. When I read the new FAQ today I noticed that  if you stun a transport it's  passengers can't fire in the following  shooting face. Even if they disembark. So if we had played that correctly  we would have had 10 marines in front of a angry defiler that they could  not shoot. In stead of a destroyed defiler.  Ah well live and learn.
3 Almost the same thing happened whit the other rhino. Except that  on Daans turn it was not the unit of  marines that killed the defiler but his unit of  suicide  termies. Still  his marines took out 2 berserker so them not shooting  would have still helped. (btw I also forgot that the berserker can trow a krak grenade at vehicles).

turn 3 and onward.

By this time most of our forces where either in combat or out of range of each other.
My sorceress took on the marines  using lash to ensure that the power fist sarge would die first.
My berserkers took on the  termies Killing 2 whit there pistols (lol wot) But in hindsight I think they would have still killed them in combat no mater what. It reduced my casualties tough. My oblitorators took out his marines on the right after they killed my defiler.  And we slugged it out some what. Till there was almost nothing left. Just 2 units of one oblitorator on Daans side and  2 oblitorators one khorne beserker  and my sorcerers on my side. Who had saved herself by lashing the  oblitorator behind terrain so he could not see her ;-P  

His oblitorator claimed one my beserker claimed a other. And daan destroyed 2 defilers giving him 2 points and I had first blood and a  warlord kill. So a draw it was.

What did I learn

1) Oblitorators are awsome  (ok I already knew that bust now I got a double insight because they got used on me)
2) Learn the rules.

Well may the dice gods bless you  and until later


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